

[  作者:   人气:  创建时间:2016/12/22  ]







Email: yoyo@vacation7.net

Linkedin  : http://www.linkedin.com/pub/you-lan/71/185/737

ResearchID : http://www.researcherid.com/rid/N-4037-2014









    虚拟地理环境(Virtual Geographical EnvironmentVGE




   2021/09–至今,  教授,计算机与信息工程学院软件工程系,湖北大学


    2015/03–2017/07Research Associate,太空与地球信息科学研究所,香港中文大学

    2012/06–2012/10,实习,微软中国Windows Azure云计算部门(上海),









    2016/07,国际摄影测量与遥感协会(ISPRS)大会(四年一次,领域权威规模会议),CATCON 7A software Computer Assisted Teaching CONtest)竞赛第三名,“GeoSquare: a collaborative online geospatial information sharing and geoprocessing platform for education and research”,排名第三。



1)      2020/09-2021/09,湖北省教育厅重点项目,基于知识图谱表征学习的网络地图服务智能推荐方法2019CFB757),主持

2)      2019/09-2020/09,商丘市政务服务和大数据管理局,商丘智慧城市时空大数据平台项目初步设计编制,主持

3)      2019/09-2019/12,广州城市信息研究所,基于开放知识图谱的地理实体链接方法研究,主持

4)      2019/06-2021/12,国家重点专项食品安全大数据关键技术研究子课题任务之知识图谱驱动的食品安全大数据可视化挖掘方法研究,主持

5)      201909-2021/09,湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,城市人群聚集的时空模式挖掘及可视化预警示范2019CFB757),主持

6)      2019/01-2020/12,国家水运安全工程技术研究中心开放基金(A2019011),船舶大数据可视化挖掘关键技术及平台研究,主持

7)      2018/01-2019/12,武汉理工大学内河航运湖北省重点实验室开放基金(NHHY2017001),面向大规模船舶AIS的热点航迹挖掘和可视化,主持

8)      2015/01--2019/08,科技部国家重大科学计划研究项目973人类活动与全球变化相互影响的模拟与评估,主要参与,负责基于虚拟地理环境的地理过程建模与模拟

9)      2016/01--2017/12,湖北省高等学校省级教育研究课题,“MOOC与传统课堂无缝衔接的计算机专业教学模式研究,主持

10)   2016/01--2017/12,武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室开放研究基金,时空特征优化的QoGIS预测方法研究,主持

11)   2015/07--2017/06,湖北大学教学改革研究课题,计算机专业课程的MOOC教学方式研究,主持

12)   2015/01--2017/12,国家自然科学基金青年基金课题,云环境下空间处理服务组合的即时自治愈研究,主持

13)   2013/11--2014/11(博士期间),微软亚洲研究院全球高校合作项目,“Collaborative Geoprocessing on Windows Azure”,主要参与

14)   2011/02--2014/5(博士期间),武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室自主研发项目-“GeoSquare”,主要参与

15)   2011/01--2012/12,长江航道局,长江航道局信息网络基础设施研究,主持

16)   2010/12--2011/07,国家财政部,全国会计资格考试网上评卷系统可行性研究,参与

17)   2010/12--2011/07,国家财政部,全国会计资格考试无纸化方案可行性研究,参与

18)   2009/01--2010/12,长江航道局项目,长江航道局信息系统建设效果评估及安全等级研究,参与

19)   2006/01--2008/05,大冶非煤矿山项目,非煤矿山应急救援系统研究,参与

20)   2005/01--2006/05,贵阳市环保局项目,贵阳市经济开发区环保GIS系统,参与




1)       张子豪,游兰,陈智军,李洋莹,一种面向原糖需求预测的改进Elaman神经网络模型,计算机应用(中文核心),2021,已接收

2)       Lan You, Siyu Xiao, Qingxi Peng*, Christophe Claramunt, Xuewei Han, Zhengyi Guan, Jiahe Zhang. ST-Seq2Seq: A Spatio-Temporal Feature Optimized Seq2Seq Model for Short-Term Vessel Trajectory PredictionIEEE Access, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3041762  (SCI二区)

3)       Qingxi Peng, Lan You*, Qisheng Lu, Xiangyu Li, Mining Review Unit Model for Online Review Analysis, IEEE Access, 2020, Volume: 8, On Page(s): 196826-196834, Print ISSN: 2169-3536, Online ISSN: 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3033820 (SCI二区)

4)       Lan You, Qingxi Peng, Zenggang Xiong, Du He, Meikang Qiu, Xuemin Zhang. (2020). Integrating aspect analysis and local outlier factor for intelligent review spam detection. Future Generation Computer Systems. 102 (2020) 163–172. 2020.01,http://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2019.07.044SCI一区Top

5)       吴华意, 黄蕊, 游兰*, 向隆刚. 出租车轨迹数据挖掘进展[J]. 测绘学报, 2019, 48(11):1341-1356. DOI: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20190210.(中文权威,EI

6)       游兰,韩雪薇,何正伟*,肖丝雨,何渡,潘筱萌. 基于改进Seq2Seq的短时AIS轨迹序列预测模型,计算机科学,2020.09.中文核心

7)       Zhengwei He, Lan You*, Wen Liu, Fan Yang, Jie Ma, Naixue Xiong(2019). A Cloud-Based Real Time Polluted Gas Spread Simulation Approach on Virtual Reality Networking. IEEE Access. 2019(7):22532 - 22540. 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2893919. SCI二区

8)       胡传博, *,林 .面向过程的城市公共安全风险监测评估建模方法,《新葡京博彩官网》,2018, Vol. 47Issue (8): 1062-1071    DOI: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2018.20180117 中文权威,EI

9)       Peng, Q., You, L.* Dong, N, 2018. A location-aware GIServices quality prediction model via collaborative filtering. International Journal of Digital Earth.11:9, pp. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2017.1367041 (SCI 三区,IF=2.26)

10)   林珲(导师),游兰897-912*,陈旻. 虚拟地理环境:走向知识工程.《新葡京博彩官网》(第三章). 高等教育出版社. 2017.

11)   You, L., Lin, H.*, 2016. Towards a research agenda for knowledge engineering of virtual geographical environments. Annals of GIS, 22(3), 163-171.

12)   You, L., Lin, H.*, 2016. A Conceptual Framework for Virtual Geographic Environments Knowledge Engineering. ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLI-B2, 357-360. (EI)

13)   胡凯,游兰*,桂志鹏,沈平,吴华意,弹性业务逻辑组合的在线遥感应用框架,测绘科学,2016, 41(09):127-131(中文核心)

14)   林珲,游兰*,虚拟地理环境知识工程初探[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2015, 17(12): 1423-1430. (中文核心)

15)   Wu H, You L*, Gui Z, et al. GeoSquare: collaborative geoprocessing models’ building, execution and sharing on Azure Cloud[J]. Annals of GIS, 2015, 21(4): 287-300.

16)   LIU, BO, DAJUN LI, JIAN RUAN, LIBO ZHANG, LAN YOU*, and HUAYI WU. "A Model of Fuzzy Topological Relations for Simple Spatial Objects in GIS."Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas 21, no. 2 (2015): 389-408.

17)   Huang J, You L*, Zhou Q, et al. Delivering GIS Training Using Geospatial Web Service-a Case Study of Landslide Risk Mapping in Hong Kong[J]. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2015, 40(6): 15-16. (EI)

18)   游兰*, 张海兵, 桂志鹏, 胡凯, & 吴华意. (2015). 一种时区聚类协同过滤的空间信息服务质量预测. 测绘科学, 40(005), 99-105. 中文核心

19)   高双, 游兰*, 桂志鹏, and 吴华意. "基于语义扩展的空间信息服务描述模型." 计算机应用 35, no. A01 (2015): 178-182. (中文核心)

20)   Huayi Wu, Lan You*, Zhipeng Gui, Shuang Gao, Zhenqiang Li, Jingmin Yu, FAST: A Fully Asynchronous and Status-Tracking Pattern for Geoprocessing Services Orchestration, Computers & Geosciences, Volume(s) 70, 18-Jun-2014, Pages 213-228 (SCIIF= 2.474)

21)   Shuang Gao, Lan You*, Zhipeng Gui, Huayi Wu. Extending WSDL for Complex Geodata in GIServices. The Third International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics. Pages 1–6, IEEE. Beijing, China. 2014.08.11-08.14. DOI:10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2014.6910585 (EI)

22)   Lan You, Qingxi Peng*, Linear Regression Method for Review Aspect Rating Prediction, 2014 3rd International Conference on Intelligent System and Applied Material (GSAM 2014), Vol 543, pp3507-3510, Tai Yuan, China, 2014.1.18-19 (EI)

23)   Qingxi Peng, Lan You*,Towards Sentiment Classification with Co-Training Method, 2014 3rd International Conference on Intelligent System and Applied Material (GSAM 2014), pp2053-2056, Tai Yuan, China, 2014.1.18-19 (EI)

24)   喻静敏,游兰,吴华意. 基于Google Earth API的典型GIS功能开发方法[J]. 地理空间信息,201404期:55-57. (中文核心)

25)   Wu, H., Guan, X., Liu, T., You, L., Li, Z., 2013. A High-Concurrency Web Map Tile Service Built with Open-Source Software, Modern Accelerator Technologies for Geographic Information Science. Springer, pp. 183-195.

26)   Lan You, Zhipeng Gui, Shengyu Shen, Huayi Wu*, A Geospatial Web Services Composition Framework Supporting Real-time Status Monitoring, ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume I-4, 2012 XXII ISPRS Congress, pp175-179, Melbourne, Australia, 2012.08.25-09.1 (EI)

27)   Jianya Gong*, Huayi Wu, Tong Zhang, Zhipeng Gui, Zhenlong Li, Lan You, Shengyu Shen, Jie Zheng, Jing Geng, Kunlun Qi, Wenjing Yang, Zhenqiang Li, Jingmin Yu, Geospatial Wervice Web:towards integrated cyberinfrastructure for GIScience, Geo-spatial Information Science, Vol.15, No.2, 73-84, 2012

28)   Huayi Wu, Lan You*, Zhipeng Gui, DIY Geospatial Web Service Chains GeoChaining makes it easy, The ISPRS joint-WG Workshop on Geospatial Data Infrastructure: from data acquisition and updating to smarter services, 28-32, 桂林, 2011.10.20-21, (EI)

29)   游兰*,彭庆喜,基于 Google Maps API 的地图解析研究与实现,湖北大学学报(自然科学版),Vol.32No.2pp.161-1642010



1)      船舶大数据智能监测与可视化预警平台(2019SR0563601

2)      投资业主版i乡舍移动App系统(2018SR268734

3)      游客版i乡舍移动App系统(2018SR268733

4)      面向公共地图服务的地理坐标转换软件(2018SR757062

5)      多线程船舶AIS数据批量解析软件(2018SR324062

6)      基于公共地图的实时地理坐标拾取App软件(2018SR324406

7)      基于百度地图的批量地理编码及反编码软件(2018SR324403

8)      空间信息服务链建模平台GeoChaining V2.0(博士期间),排名第2

9)      WPS服务代理引擎V1.0(博士期间),排名第2

10)   地理信息资源共享平台GeoSquare V1.0(博士期间),排名第3



1)       2016 ISPRS, Prague, Czech Republic, July 12-19, 2016

Oral: Lan You, 2016, A conceptual framework for virtual geographic environments knowledge engineering (Presenter: Lan You)

2)       2016 AAG, San Francisco, America, March 29-April 2, 2016

Oral: Lan You, 2016, A tentative study on geographic knowledge engineering for virtual geographic environments (Presenter: Lan You)

3)       2015 Geoinformatics, Wuhan, China, June 19-21, 2015

Oral: Lan You, 2015, A Collaborative Filtering Approach Using Timezone for GIServices Prediction (Presenter: Lan You)

4)       2014 Annual Meeting of Chinese GIS Theory and Methods, Xuzhou, China, Oct. 11-12, 2014

Oral: Huayi Wu, Lan You, 2014, Problems and Practice in Collaborative GeoProcessing Platform (Presenter: Lan You)

5)       The XXII Congress of the ISPRS, Melbourne, Australia, Aug.25-Sept.1, 2012

Oral: Lan You, Zhipeng Gui, Wei Guo, Shengyu Shen, Huayi Wu, 2012, A Geospatial Web Services Composition Framework Supporting Real-Time Status Monitoring (Presenter: Lan You)

6)       The ISPRS joint-WG workshop on Geospatial Data Infrastructure: from data acquisition and updating to smarter services, Oct.20-21, 2011, Guilin, China

Oral: Huayi Wu, Lan You, Zhipeng Gui, 2011, DIY Geospatial Web Service Chains: GeoChaining Make it Easy (Presenter: Lan You)


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